
4 Swimart bushfire safety tips

5 December 2019

Help firefighters protect your home and possessions

Swimart bushfire safety tip #1

Did you know that firefighters use swimming pools to help protect homes?

Let them know you have this valuable water supply by displaying a Static Water Supply (SWS) sign so that it is visible from the road.

The SWS sign is free, so contact your local fire station for more information.

Swimart bushfire safety tip #2

Do you have adequate home insurance?

Wherever you live, your home and contents insurance cover should be enough to cover the cost of rebuilding your pool and all of its equipment.

Increasing your insurance cover may not cost very much, and if you shop around you may even be able to get more cover for a lower price.

Swimart bushfire safety tip #3

How bushfires affect your pool

Whether you’re in the middle of a major fire event, or kilometers away in a neighbouring area, here’s how to protect your pool and your health:

  1. Check chemical levels regularly as embers, ash and smoke contaminate water
  2. Use a solar blanket to reduce evaporation caused by dry, hot, windy conditions
  3. Clear pool deck of timber furniture, dead leaves, branches and plastic inflatables
  4. If under ember attack, remove solar blanket to avoid fabric melting and damaging the pool
  5. Store pool chemicals in a dry, cool area and ensure they are separated and volatile ones are away from each other
  6. Taking shelter in your swimming pools is not a safe option

Swimart bushfire safety tip #4

Find out if you live in a disaster-prone area

Contact the following to see if you’re in a natural disaster-prone area:

  1. Insurer
  2. Local council
  3. Local fire services authority

Ask them about the Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) of your home to get a better understanding of your risk.

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